Protect, Nourish, Tint.
Buttery Beeswax with100% natural red radish and essential oils.
Truly natural.
Treat Me with Tint Me. Tint Me Lip Punch is versatile, pocket-sized and punchy making it the perfect treat... for you or a gift.
Wearability is made easy.Tint Me is suitable to wear under lipstick, over lipstick, or go it alone for a natural tinted veil.
“We wanted to boost Lip Punch’s appeal.The natural scarlet hue of the radish root perfectly compliments the beeswax, arnica and argon oil base, making Tint Me a truly natural coloured balm” says founder Jackie Ashley. It also feels good to add some colour to your day, making it brighter, even if it’s just a little ‘perky pop’ to your lips... and go ahead, add some glow to your cheekbones while you’re at it”